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Promoting an inclusive environment in the Early Years Setting - a 2 part programme


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This course is a 2 session training and participants should commit to attending both sessions

Aims & Objectives

  • To understand what is meant by the term Inclusive Environment and why it helps reduce barriers to learning
  • To introduce the Inclusive environmnet checklist
  • To consider an Inclusive enviroment in the context of' - Classroom layout and organisation - Routines and transitions -The sensory environment
  • To consider the social and emotional environment
  • To consider an environment to promote positive behaviour

Course Details:

19 October 2023 & 23 November 2023

Time: 10.00am - 12.30pm

Education Authority- SEN Early Years Inclusion Service ( SEN EYIS)



Booking Options

There are currently no options available for this course. Please check back at a later date.