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C2k - Summer Series Results Import and Reporting

C2k is offering a training overview in preparation for the import of the Summer Series Results.

The course is for anyone new to the role of Examinations Officer or anyone who would like a refresher on importing and reporting on the Summer Series results.

The course will demonstrate how to check the Examinations Organiser module in preparation for the results download. It will also cover some A2C checks.

The course will cover the following:

Preliminary checks. Results embargo. Downloading and importing results. Reporting on results. Creating marksheets for displaying results, re-marks or missing marks.

C2k - Summer Series Results Import and Reporting

EOTAS Post-Primary Special C2k

C2k - Primary Assessment

C2k are offering schools an opportunity to attend Primary Assessment training.  A maximum of two places will be available per school.  This training is similar to training held in previous years so will be relevant to new Assessment Co-ordinators.  The training will be based around the following areas:

Assisting schools in the preparation of data for the primary inspection process Integrating real time pastoral data such as Attendance, SEN and Intervention support with academic data to set context for pupil achievement Highlighting the range of school improvement data available at teacher, coordinator, SLT and Leadership level within SIMS Benchmarking pupil’s baseline attainment Tracking and reporting on the progress and attainment of pupils KS1 and KS2 Supporting the analysis of your assessment data irrespective of the test publisher Creating a single individual report which profiles the pupil’s academic data Clearly outlining how schools can use their own data to set meaningful and evidence based targets for each school cohort Providing a method to measure value added at school, year group, class and individual pupil level

C2k - Primary Assessment

Primary C2k

C2k - Introduction to Assessment & Reporting

C2k are offering training aimed at new Assessment Co-ordinators in schools. 

This is an introductory course and will be useful to new Assessment Coordinators or those starting to use Assessment Manager at a basic level.  Experienced users in Assessment Manager should not apply.

The course will focus on using Assessment Manager for reporting to parents and will include the following tasks:

Creating & Cloning Grade Sets Creating & Cloning Aspects Creating & Cloning Templates Creating Marksheets & Recording Data Creating Individual Reports eg Annual Reports for Parents Adding additional student data to Templates & Marksheets Importing external data into SIMS eg Baseline Data

This course is aimed at new or recently appointed Assessment Co-ordinators who have received no formal training. It may also be beneficial to those schools who wish to train additional staff in the use of the Assessment Manager module. 


C2k - Introduction to Assessment & Reporting

Post-Primary C2k

C2k - SIMS End of Year Online Overview (Post Primary)

C2k are offering an online session to outline the End of Year Procedures carried out in SIMS.

The overview is directed at the members of staff in school who will be editing the Pastoral Structure and assigning pupils to Registration Groups (not academic classes) etc. in SIMS.

The overview will cover parts of the End of Year and Preparation for New Academic Year procedures.

Procedures covered will include:

Editing Academic Year (check Autumn Term Start Date) Adding FSM End Date Changing application status of new Year 8 students Pastoral Structure – Next Academic Year School Promotion Dealing with Leavers The School Closures and Planner report

C2k - SIMS End of Year Online Overview (Post Primary)

Post-Primary C2k

C2k - SIMS End of Year Online Overview (Primary, Special & EOTAS)

C2k are offering online sessions to outline the SIMS End of Year procedures.  The overviews are directed at staff in school who will be assigning pupils to classes, etc. in SIMS e.g. School Secretary and/or Principal.  Staff in school must carry out all these processes.

Procedures covered will include:

Editing Academic Year (check Autumn Term Start Date) Adding FSM End Date Accept Applications Pastoral Structure -  Next Academic Year School Promotion Attendance procedures to be completed including Archiving The School Closures and Planner report




C2k - SIMS End of Year Online Overview (Primary, Special & EOTAS)

EOTAS Primary Special C2k

C2k - Timetable Training Course 2024

C2k are offering your school a place on our three-day training course for new timetablers. The course is designed for school staff who have not previously attended a C2k timetable training course. Each day will start at 9:30am, finish at approximately 3:00pm and will be delivered face to face in one of the four C2k Centres (Antrim, Craigavon, Dundonald and Omagh). There is one place available per school.

Day 1 Content Day 2 Content Day 3 Content Transferring and editing the curriculum The Cycle: days & periods Plan subjects, teachers and rooms Session lengths Staffing classes Non-Class codes Preparation for scheduling Partial schedule trials and combing chart Manual scheduling by band and block Auto-scheduling Bending and breaking scheduling rules Other scheduling techniques Optimising the timetable Rooming: automatic and manual Alternative Curriculum Exporting timetable to SIMS

C2k - Timetable Training Course 2024

Everyone C2k

C2k - Taster sessions: Just 2 Easy, Adobe, C2k NewsDesk/Seomra Nuachta

C2k is offering taster sessions for anyone that would like to learn more about Adobe, Just2 easy and C2k Newsdesk.

These Educational Taster Sessions will showcase how these three innovative programs will enhance learning and teaching in school.

There are two sessions available each day for selection. These sessions will take place on the following dates:

Date Time Location Tuesday 28th January

9:30am – 12:00pm


12:30pm – 3:00pm

Omagh TEC Wednesday 29th January

9:30am – 12:00pm


12:30pm – 3:00pm

EA Dundonald Thursday 30th January

9:30am – 12:00pm


12:30pm – 3:00pm

EA Clounagh Wednesday 5th February

9:30am – 12:00pm


12:30pm – 3:00pm

EA Antrim Thursday 6th February

9:30am – 12:00pm


12:30pm – 3:00pm

St Marys PS, Maghera

Should you and / or a member of staff wish to participate in any of these sessions please complete the online booking form, selecting the appropriate session and venue by Tuesday 14th January 2024 at 12:00pm



C2k - Taster sessions: Just 2 Easy, Adobe, C2k NewsDesk/Seomra Nuachta

Primary C2k

C2k - November Series Results Import and Reporting

The course is for anyone new to the role of Examinations Officer in Post Primary, Special or EOTAS or anyone who would like a refresher on importing and reporting on the November Series results.

The course will demonstrate how to check the Examinations Organiser module in preparation for the results download. It will also cover some A2C checks. The course will also provide guidance on some reports that can be used for displaying results.

The overview will also identify the support available for Examinations Officer.

The course will cover the following:

Preliminary checks. Results embargo. Downloading results and attaching to the student record. Reporting on results. Creating marksheets for displaying results, re-marks or missing marks.

The course will take place on:

Date Time Location Thursday 23rd January 2025 10:00am - 11:00am Online

To book onto this course please complete the online booking form by:

Thursday 16th January 2025 at 12:00pm


C2k - November Series Results Import and Reporting

EOTAS Post-Primary Special C2k